Washington State Department of Health Information: 1-800-525-0127. Email: blindcovid@wssb.wa.gov


Assistance Resources


Recreation Resources


Social Resources

Other Websites

WA Telecommunication Relay Service: Office of Deaf/HH info

Call 711 or 1-800-833-6384 to connect with a relay operator, who will dial the requested number and relay the conversation between the two callers. Either a person with a hearing loss or speech disability with specialized telecommunication equipment or a person using a standard phone may initiate a call. After dialing Washington Relay, the person initiating the call gives the desired phone number to the Washington Relay Operator, who then dials that number using another phone line. The operator types the standard phone user’s spoken words to the person using a specialized telecommunication equipment and voices the specialized telecommunication equipment user’s text messages.



Deaf-Blind Service Center (ages 18 up):  http://seattledbsc.org/

Angela Theriault, Director: atheriault@seattledbsc.org


Hearing, Speech & Deaf Center: https://hsdc.org/

ASL resources re: COVID 19:
